Jake Wakeling

Software Engineer

Email: hidden
Git: https://git.omkov.net/?u=deus

Send me an email if you'd like my CV.

Notable Projects

G A "modern" programming language intended to be fast, simple, and pleasant.
Written in C with LLVM for code generation (for the time being).
Goit A simple and lightweight Git web server, written in Go.
This is what my personal Git web server runs.
OBFI A highly performant interpreter for the Brainfuck language, written in C.
libutil A lightweight library to be included locally in projects, written in C.
coreutils An implementation of core software utilities, written in C.
cryptutils An implementation of cryptographic software utilities, written in C.
ESH A shell with an emphasis on performance and usability, written in C.
This is very unfinished.

More projects can be found on my personal Git server, linked above.